Financial coaching is just a click away
Do you need help figuring it all out? Dreaming about the day you no longer have financial stress? At FinPath, we want to help coach you toward achieving your financial goals with confidence.

Our financial coaches can help you create a plan of action to meet your own unique goals. We’re standing by to help.

As life happens, we know certain events will bring questions. At FinPath, we can help to create a plan to manage your financial situation so you can focus on taking care of your family.

Financial Coaches have the experience and knowledge to guide you through a process of financial self-discovery and assist you in reaching long-term financial goals by providing you the framework and resources for your money today.

We can address topics like:

  • Paying down debt
  • Managing your budget
  • Improving your credit
  • Saving for emergencies
  • Student loan forgiveness
  • … and more

Schedule a Financial Coaching session

Meet Our Coaches

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Financial Coach

Aaron Hennig

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Financial Coach

Katie Wright

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Bilingual Financial Coach

Janett Tapia

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Financial Coach

Daryl Smith

Working with a FinPath coach

What is discussed in a session?

A Financial Coach will demonstrate the basics of money management. This could include (but not limited to) budgeting, debt management, debt collection, and retirement goals.
We are certified in money management coaching and have plenty of experience in working with people in these areas. The goal is to bring these concepts to the forefront of your mind.
We are financial educators who teach the basics of personal finance.

Stress and money go hand in hand. There is so much stress attached to the way most people handle money when there really should not be. Instead of money ruling your life, it’s time for you to be the boss of your money and a Financial Coach can help you do just that.


What a Financial Coach doesn’t do

  • A Financial Coach will not force you to do anything you do not feel comfortable with.
  • Coaches won’t force you to cut up your credit cards.
  • Financial Coaches do not make phone calls and financial decisions on your behalf. A Certified Financial Planner may be able to do that but a coach is there to guide you and teach you, not do it for you.
  • Coaches will never have access to your accounts, but coaches cannot help you without 100% honesty and transparency. If you are not ready or willing to come clean, we can’t do our jobs. If we don’t have the full picture, you will not get the full benefit of having a Financial Coach!
  • We cannot build wealth for you. You must put in the work it takes and it won’t be easy.
  • We won’t promise instant results and this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Determine how much time it takes you to get there will depend on how much debt you have and how ambitious you are to become debt-free.
Financial Coaching | FinPath

Elya W.

“The one-on-one consultations helped me break down my spending and see where I could begin saving! I learned about different aspects of credit and retirement that I didn’t know and have been able to help friends and family better understand them.”

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Marilyn M.

“I now feel more financially secure. I don’t feel stressed. I feel like I’m on the path to financial independence…I just checked my credit score [and] since I’ve been working with my coach, watching the seminars and using the financial health tools, my credit score went up 56 points.” 

Financial Coaching | FinPath

Pamela D.

“Aaron always immediately grasps the direction I am headed…our session are very dynamic and productive.”